About me…
My name is Chris Willcox. I grew up in a family that emphasized the importance of hard work and were great examples for it. My dad was a welder by trade and always building things or doing various projects. My mom has always been creative and now has a passion for painting as her hobby. I’m thankful to have inherited these characteristics. They have proven to be valuable assets throughout my 37 years in the construction industry. For 25 years I have been a supervisor with Riley-Lewis General Contractors. This is a fantastic company to work for. I am grateful, for all these years and counting, to have a steady stream of “things to chew on”
Apart from my professional activities, I have been engaged in woodworking and metalworking as hobbies for many years. These abilities have enabled me to tackle issues, that may not have been resolved immediately, using readily available resources. From conceptualizing an idea to creating a design, constructing it, and putting it into practice, I have relished in overcoming challenges.
An overflow from this is, after so much building for practical reasons, it’s nice to do some things just to create something beautiful.
I’ve come to realize there are people in the Raleigh area and elsewhere that have need of someone with my skillset . Some want a designer/builder for a piece or fixture and some just a hardworking honest guy to repair something or fix an issue, Either way, I’m a good contact to know.